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Using templates and placeholders

Templates and placeholders

*:::inbrief In brief When corresponding with your users, you can save time using customised templates and placeholder text.

Templates allow you to easily pre-populate the correspondence on your tasks. Think of them like automated replies you can set up to quickly send a message to your user(s).

Placeholders are shortcuts to popular fields you might use in that template.

Templates are specific to the task you are creating. And in turn, placeholders are specific to the template you're using.

Let's look at an example...

Create your new task (click here for help with this). After you have filled out the usual fields, click on 'Templates'.

![Screenshot 2021-05-23 at 21.04.00](/Users/jamessykes/Desktop/Exa Projects/Create templates to use in reminders/Screenshot 2021-05-23 at 21.04.00.png)

Here, you can click 'Create new template' or edit an existing one. For now, we will choose 'Create new'.

![Screenshot 2021-05-23 at 21.06.59](/Users/jamessykes/Desktop/Exa Projects/Create templates to use in reminders/Screenshot 2021-05-23 at 21.06.59.png)

Now, fill out the details of this template:

![Screenshot 2021-05-23 at 21.17.22](/Users/jamessykes/Desktop/Exa Projects/Create templates to use in reminders/Screenshot 2021-05-23 at 21.17.22.png)

You can choose to set it as the default template if you wish - meaning it will automatically be pasted into the text area further down.

Now, use the text area to write your correspondence. You can use the placeholders to save time, and make it more personal to your user(s). You can click on the placeholders, or simply use the @ key and begin writing out the placeholder copy of your choice.

![Screenshot 2021-05-23 at 21.22.23](/Users/jamessykes/Desktop/Exa Projects/Create templates to use in reminders/Screenshot 2021-05-23 at 21.22.23.png)

When you've finished your template, click 'Create' or 'Create another' to work on another one.