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Contacting a user

In brief

Wherever you see a user's name on Exaprojects, you can click on it to contact them. It's possible to send them a text (SMS) or email them. If the user replies to your email, it will be routed to your registered email address.

Required permissions

Can contact users over email

Can contact users over text message (SMS)

Contacting users through Exaprojects is extremely easy - wherever you see a user's name as a blue link, you can click it to open the 'Contact details' window.

From here, you can either send an email or send a text (provided they have a mobile number registered) by clicking the relevant tab, filling in the required details and clicking 'Send'.

Contacting a user

Both forms of contact will show to the contacted user as originating from Exaprojects - however, if they reply to your email, Exaprojects will make sure a copy of it is delivered to your registered email address.

Good to know

If you'd prefer to contact a user using your own mail software, you can click on their email address within the 'Contact details' window, which will open up your default email client (if you have one configured!). Similarly, if you have telephony software installed, their mobile number can be clicked to initiate a call.